Saturday, March 20, 2010

John Edwards mistress says " I love me some him "

Former Senator John Edwards political career absolutely is SO over. The media and political consultant portrayal as the loyal husband did not square away with John Edward 's affairs .The sad case is that his wife is battling cancer , clearly this does not endear him to women and evangelicals.His support with those groups was always superficial at best ,based on good looks and a southern accent.

Senator Edwards went from those promising moments to having dalliances with Rielle Hunter.In this clip she talks about her passion - not John Edwards,she likes yoga .Was this the 60 minutes show ,no it was a game show!

Denial of paternity,hush money ,and creating a elaborate scheme to hide his second family.When finally found out he had to admit paternity.

In these days of televised confessions and denials what IF Maury Povich had his famous idiotic DNA tests? Yes,folks It could have gotten worse,it could have been like this ....

John Edwards problems now lie in court,not in the political arena fighting for the causes of the working class.Edwards is being investigated by the grand jury regarding whether his campaign and supporters paid hush money to Hunter. Meanwhile his former aide Andrew Young was threatened with jail for contempt of court regarding the Edwards sex tape.Perhaps if John Edwards has to testify it will be like this....

Rielle Hunter said this week in GQ magazine ,that despite it all she loves Johnny. She still "loves me some him ".In the magazine spread,she indicated that she was not a homewrecker,the marriage was already broken.
"Most of his mistakes or errors in judgment were because of his fear of the wrath of Elizabeth,” she says.

The Edwards story has many miles to go before this is put to bed.


Blogger Pam Roach said...

Ed, Isn't it interesting that John Edward's political career is dying at the same time his wife is dying? So, who is the real cancer here?

March 20, 2010 at 7:01 AM  
Anonymous Melisa Smith said...

LOL! Rielle Hunter is something else, but the guy who wrote that book and his wife just make me feel like creepy crawlys are slithering up and down my back.

March 20, 2010 at 7:58 PM  

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