Tiger ,We Hardly Knew You

I like Tiger Woods because he is the greatest golfer that ever lived.The drive and focus that he has brought to the game of golf has inspired many to take up golf.Tiger Woods is first a man,second a golfer,and third a national pitchman.
It is because of the first that he has put the other two in jeopardy.
It is with deep regrets that Tiger has admitted to multiple indiscretions.It is with that concern Tiger has some fence mending to do with Mrs.Woods.I sincerely pray that Tiger and his wife reconcile their lives for their benefit.
Tiger Woods is just a man - a man that is still the greatest golfer of all times.In the words from a professor at S.M.U., Dr. Matthew Wilson:
"If we admired Tiger Woods for being anything other than an excellent golfer, that was our mistake, since we had very little way of knowing what else he might or might not be."
I don't think the sponsors who pulled out of endorsing him thought the same way. Your wife Discovering your "multiple transgressions" :)is one thing... the whole world discovering with you...hmm i feel you pain el tigre!
It drives me nuts when the general public idolizes people like Tiger. Sports figures are not role models, they are sports figures.
Same for actors that express their political views. Why would anyone take the advice of an actor for how they vote. An actor is someone that "acts" like they are someone else. They are professionals at fooling the public.
You have to admire David Letterman for taking responsibility for his actions. I still like him, for what he is. A talk show comedian.
If you want a role model, use someone in your community. Us a parent or a relative or a guardian. Remember when you see a professional athlete - that's all he or she is - a professional athlete.
His actions are common, leave it to the man uptairs and the wife to forgive.
I don't think the sponsors who pulled out of endorsing him thought the same way. Your wife Discovering your "multiple transgressions" :)is one thing... the whole world discovering with you...hmm i feel you pain el tigre!
If Tiger Woods was the average man he would not be in the spot light. I feel that to some marriage is a game. Marriage is not honored by some people because God said what he has put together let know man put it break it apart. I do not feel sorry for him because he and a lot of men and women think it is ok to cheat on their spouse and that is why God always reveal the unclean thing. The women or men who participates will pay a price too. God will have the final say and one day they will say why is this happening to me. As the saying goes whatever you do in the dark will come to light. By then families are torned apart. These are the last days and nothing surprises me that people do. God bless them
I comment and I stand on God's word what he says about marriage it is unfortunate that people don't respect it.
So many times people make sports figures and celebrities role models and daily they are disappointed because they fail to realize that these individuals are doing a job. No one knows anything about these people character. Put your trust and faith in man and you will be disappointed everytime.
"If we admired Tiger Woods for being anything other than an excellent golfer, that was our mistake, since we had very little way of knowing what else he might or might not be."
That pretty much says it all. To expect anything from Tiger Woods besides being a great golfer especially from a moral standpoint, is naive. I hope that this incident makes Tiger stronger and pushes him closer to God.
If Mr.Woods have some "real" people on his staff instead of people worrying about his endorsements he could take this situation and flip it. He could explain to young & old people how he screwed up his marriage by his bad decisions. Look at King David and King Solomon in the Bible both made bad decisions involving women but they overcame them when they confessed their bad choices. Tiger must take his quadruple bogey and go on to the next tee in his life. His marriage might be over, but his life isn't. Fore !!
IMO he is human. I hear people stupidly saying, my kids looked up to him. If that is the case, you are an awful parent and someone should call CPS IMMEDIATELY. Seriously, stop it. Tiger did not have the pleasure he or any other person should be the labored with the pain of being a role model for your kid. If your kid's role model is someone they see 7 times a year on TV you are doing a pathetic job as a parent. SO many parents use that line as a scapegoat for their own laziness and shortcomings as a parent. Take responsibility for your kids! It is not the job of society to raise and influence your kids you lazy people! Tiger is human. He messed up. We all mess up. Would I go to him for marriage advice, NO! WOuld I go to him for golfing tips, yes! He needs prayer and guidance and his wife needs to be healed.
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