Gospel Sunday : Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound

"Amazing Grace" How Sweet the Sound ,that saved a wretch like me.It is a song that is deeply spirtual. A call to God and a plea that we are all human.It is a song that is truly American, a song that unites blacks and white.Written by a slave trader who saw the error of his ways, a spirtual rebirth that saved him and continues to touch millions of others as they reach to touch the hand of God.
A song that is sung from the deepest canyons of our hearts.From South Dallas to Soweto. From the jail cells to mansions .From the Homeless to the Upperclass. We all are the same , sinners who seek Amazing Grace.
A Song That Unites All in our suffering.A song that unites us all in our hope for redeemption. A song for the ages. At first I was was lost , now I am found ....
His Grace is sufficient. Amazing Grace is what we need to get by today. Because Joy cometh in the morning.
We got up this morning it was Nothing But Grace !
We will all pray for grace -I pray that he gives us the AMAZING GRACE to see you next week. God Bless You ! and I will say a prayer for my friend and union brother Jimmy D. God is with you Jimmy , just hold on my friend.
What? No Judy Ray?!?!
hehe. Next time maybe.
Thanks for sharing, Ed.
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