The Real Reason Why McCain Picked Palin

John McCain's choice for vice president has energized the Republican base.While many pundits , bloggers ,and politicos , have debated the merits of the vice presidential nominee ,the Republicans have circled the wagons.The "intensity gap" has been fulfilled .The election and support of McCain relies on the GOP faithful.Up until Palin ,conservatives supported McCain the way you make pay a bill collector.Its something you do .
The campaign that many had said was lagging in enthusiasm has now rallied behind John McCain - Sarah Palin ticket .The conservative base has always been leery about McCain and has supported him because the country as a whole has wanted change . Change agents are in this year.
The Republican establishment does not want the change that Barack Obama wants , and it also needs and wants a clarification of the changes that John McCain espouses. The word maverick in itself is a scary thought for many conservatives that do not see McCain as a true conservative. The only way to satisfy conservative concerns is to pick a vice president that can rally the base.
So who could McCain pick ? If McCain picked a Washington insider it would be more of the same. No room for change there .If McCain picked a young vice presidential candidate ,that would counter some of the youth angle from Obama. Obama was weak in sustaining support from women over age 40,specifically those past Hillary Clinton supporters.A woman vice presidential candidate would put those voters in play.
Out went Governor Tim Pawlenty (Minnesota) he had all the qualifications except gender.Out went Mitt Romney ,he was an outsider ,too much of an outsider he was a Mormon.Out went Kay Bailey Hutchinson ,she is a woman ,and experienced ,problem is too much experience, McCain wanted youth to be served. Now that leaves Sarah Palin,a young , energetic , photogenic , governor from an exotic place ,Alaska.
Sarah Palin is a candidate that has the following qualifications. Young energetic,photogenic ,outsider from Washington ,and yes a woman .
Look at these angles ,the personal story of the avid hunter , a evangelical Christian , mother of five .Palin opposses abortion , supports the military and is a fiscal conservative.A woman in the year that women will be crucial in the election process. The fact that her daughter is pregnant was not a factor in disqualifying Palin because it could be perceived as attacking a 17 year old not the candidate .
Palin fills the boxes that most conservatives want in the vice presidential nominee and in the Republican platform .Check it out .Palin is pro life.Second Amendment (she hunts moose for crying out loud ), pro drilling , Palin is a big proponet of drilling as she is from Alaska.Spending cuts , she gave up the Alaskan executive jet as one of the perks of her office. McCain was more than satisfied with Palin and threw caution to the wind.If you like the choice or not ,it didn't matter to the maverick.The McCain campaign needed some buzz ,and choosing Palin it created the buzz factor. This election is close and it will be closer.If white women will be the deciding factor, and the Republican energy base needs to be satisfied this choice was smarter than most people will give credit .
>"This is a strange time to be a Republican. Am I just supposed to be cool with
>all this? Should I now recalibrate my family values to adjust for this
>unfortunate mess? Is teen pregnancy now just a sign of 'An American Family?'
>Is the desire to secede from the United States now a sign of patriotism? What
>the hell is going on here? First of all, I don’t want to hear from anyone that
>'Sarah Palin’s family should be off limits'. This isn’t about Bristol Palin or
>Trig Palin or Earwax Palin or Mack Truck or whatever the hell the other ones
>are called. This is about the judgement, the beliefs and the managerial style
>of the woman who could be President of the United States. I see no reason to
>be polite. I think Palin’s decision to drag her daughter’s teen pregnancy into
>the international spotlight is not just ill-considered, it is morally
>bankrupt. And the story just gets creepier by the minute. So Bristol wasn’t
>pregnant last winter, but she is
> NOW? Did she get knocked up while she had mono? Was her mother so
>irresponsible that her daughter was having unprotected sex while bedridden
>with an infectious disease? Does this dude, who proclaimed not only that he
>doesn’t want kids but 'Ya f - - - with me I’ll kick [your] ass'…really want to
>marry her? Are these the kinds of marriages that are supposed to build strong
>families? My head is spinning. I’m a Republican because this party supports my
>beliefs: personal accountability, family values, country first. But now that
>same party is telling me that while those things are still important, they
>don’t mean what I thought they meant....I never thought I’d say it, but my
>vote is on the line. This choice is not aging like a fine wine, it’s molding
>like sour cream in the sun. DROP SARAH PALIN NOW. Send her back to Alaska and
>reclaim our values as conservatives and as Christians. A family is made up of
>a man and a woman who love each other,
> not a teenage girl and a douchebag, one of whom thinks she’s in love because
>she’s a child and the other who doesn’t give a rat’s ass because he only wants
>to 'hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s- - - and just f - -
>-in’ chill I guess.' The fact that this poor girl has been forced by her
>mother to eschew birth control and then 'take responsibility for the
>consequences' is not good parenting. It’s f____g child abuse. Sorry if that
>sounds harsh, but I love my country and my party, and both are swirling down
>the toilet in front of my eyes. John McCain, I’m giving you a do-over. Call
>Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Call Elizabeth Dole. Hell, call Olympia Snowe
Poor John McCain! The choice of Palin for his VP pick is so off course it’s scary. How could anyone think this selection would pull women voters? Women have come so far and for a man running for President to think all we wanted was a woman on the ballot is out right crazy. Any Republican voting for John McCain should know by now the man is out of his mind.
Look at the woman he picked: Mother of five children: when will this woman have time to be a mother? The Vice President is very different from having a job. A mother with a very young sick child needs his mother. This woman owes it to her family to be there. We read in the bible a mothers role and the Republicans or big on family but its OK to take this family and separate them for Politics? WWGD. Why would this woman want this? The woman does not even stand for the issues Hillary Clinton stood for. How can McCain be that dumb. I am sure having worked for political campaigns before, his people told him this was a bad deal, he simply did not listen and now look at what is happening and this is just two days into the convention. This woman has five children the tax payers do not support the kids, just the VP. The woman has never seen a City big as Dallas how could she even imagine granting DFW 34 million dollars? The woman knows nothing about Public Health, transportation, Human Service anything about just plain basic service. The woman only supports abstinence education for teenagers, yet she does not practice it in her own home. The woman made her daughter care for the baby while she and her husband took to the stage, that’s their baby not the daughters. Maybe the girl saw how much she had to care for her smaller siblings she wanted a child of her own or the mother was away from home so much being Governor she was neglected. What ever the case she is wrong for such an important role because she is a woman. Just any woman will not do, and certainly not at the expense of the most important thing we have in our lives, our children.
Would someone please tell Ms. McCain she is attending a poor people convention take a tip from Ms. Bush leave you diamonds and silk clothes at home. On stage together they
Look like Barbie and Cousin Laura from back home on the farm. What did the Party do to deserve McCain? What happens when John McCain answer the phone at 3 AM will he push the button releasing the bomb or roll over and go back to sleep saying What the Hell it can wait until the morning.
Oh Beautiful America you deserve more. God Please Help Us.
By selecting Sarah Palin, McCain has put a whole new spin on this election.Critized by some as foolish, one thing is certain. For the next several weeks
everyone will be talking about Sarah Palin.
Let me sum it up. Sarah Palin is the Republican Ann Richards.
When was the last time a vice president had to really do anything? Actuarial tables predict that Mccain will live another 12 years (it actually changes as you get older - whooda thunkit!)
Picking Palin was Mccain's peace offering to conservatives, a signal that he doesn't really hold them in contempt like the rabid Daily Kos/msnbc crowd.
Washington really is broken. Money and power corrupt all of them over time. Obama is as much a part of Washington as Clinton, a typical politician produced by the slick Chicago political machine, by people like Tony Rezko, Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers.
To conservatives, Palin is the anti-Washington, anti-politician. Why do you think George Bush was elected...twice? It's not because anybody thinks George Bush is some grand statesman that can solve all of the world's problems; it's because, whether it's true or not, most people really believe (or believed) he was honest, in a Forrest Gump kind of way.
Good intentions aren't enough, however - Bill Clinton nobly intended Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to put every American family in their own home, and you see how that turned out.
Putting her on the ticket, when a qualified conservative women like Kay Bailey Hutchinson was available, was a slap in the face to women everywhere.
This is not my own thought but I agree with 100%: Sarah Palin is not Ann Richards. Sarah Palin is Clarence Thomas. Completely unqualified but cynically chosen for being a member of a demographic group that usually votes Democratic. She is Republican "affirmative Action". I thought the right detested affirmative action (except getting legacies into ivy league colleges
This is not my own thought but I agree with 100%: Sarah Palin is not Ann Richards. Sarah Palin is Clarence Thomas. Completely unqualified but cynically chosen for being a member of a demographic group that usually votes Democratic. She is Republican "affirmative Action". I thought the right detested affirmative action (except getting legacies into ivy league colleges
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